Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend News and Jake Returns

Jacob and Jake - 2008
Jacob and Jake 1996

Caleb played seven basketball games over the weekend. He played two Friday night, two Saturday, and three on Sunday.

Dustin had a baptism on Saturday afternoon which turned out to be for one of my students. Then I took Isaiah to the "Dancing" water fountain and watched as he played in it. I went to service on Saturday evening and listened to our guest speaker, Don Piper. He is the author that wrote 90 minutes in Heaven. It was an amazing story.

Sunday was spent celebrating my in-laws birthdays and watching basketball games.

We received Jake, our old dog, back. We had him for a little over seven years. Dustin's mom and dad generously took him and cared for him the last four years. But he has worn out his welcome. Jake is now fourteen, has had a stroke, is deaf, and appears to be going or is blind. It is an interesting challenge in caring for him now.

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