Monday, April 6, 2009

Passionately Pink Teachers - Avon Walk - Sunday

We arrived at the Avon Village Sunday morning. Many walkers stayed in tents there instead of getting a hotel. I knew that my body wouldn't be able to handle walking and sleeping on the ground so I passed on this option. We were provided with a wonderful breakfast before we began our walk on Sunday morning.

Our walk was not through as many nice places as we walked on Saturday. I actually felt much stronger on Sunday than I did on Saturday. I was doing really well until about mile six when we stopped at the half way rest stop (Wrong Choice) that's when I locked up. I had a hard time the rest of the walk.

The last two miles were the most challenging. I had tears streaming down my face the last mile. But when you see the women walking that have fought cancer or are fighting cancer you can't give up, you keep going for them. I would have crawled across that line if I had to. The women there were so inspiring. The husbands, sons, brothers that were there for the women in their lives was inspiring too.

We waited until our whole team was together again and then walked across the finish line together. It was a beautiful thing!

The closing ceremony was even more touching than the opening. It was wonderful to see that this walk raised $1.8 million and the checks were allocated there to the different organizations there before us.

If you have the chance to do this I highly encourage you to take part. I took a picture of three women I didn't know that were in front of me at the close. They were walking because of a friend that was fighting the battle now.

The whole experience was incredible. We laughed, we hurt, we cried, we bonded, we accomplished.

Honestly, I can't say I was so over joyed at the end of Sunday. I was in too much pain and felt terrible, but it's much like child birth. After the pain subsides you realize what a beautiful thing was birthed.

1 comment:

Lorren Says... said...

So cool, Lea!! What an awesome event. Great job!