I don't know exactly why but for some reason this has seemed to be the longest days I've experienced in a while. Monday felt like it should be Thursday. Tuesday felt like it should be Friday, and then today is FINALLY Wednesday. Yes, we're half way through. This day's almost over so that will make it really Thursday soon!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
What an interesting day. Dustin, the boys, and the boy that spent the night with us got up early and went to church as usual. Caleb has been driving to church himself since he normally has basketball games, but with the price of gas growing increasingly higher Dustin had him leave the truck at home and they all rode together.
Later, my oldest called me to ask if I would bring his basketball uniform that he had forgotten up for his game in the afternoon. He said, "It will either be in one of my drawers, in my closet, or under my bed." YIKES. I was slightly preturbed but said, "OK." That was until I went to find it. I opened the closet door to see a pile taller than me. NO WAY I'M DIGGING THROUGH THAT! The drawers were crammed with clothes wadded up into balls. I began finding dirty clothes crammed with clean clothes. My blood began to boil. Then came the final straw. The two sets of clothes that I had just washed and dried for Jacob and Isaiah somehow were shoved into these drawers with dirty clothes. It was bad enough to see his clothes this way, however, once it was my hard work and his brothers' missing clothes (they kept telling me they had nothing to wear). I was more than furious. I called and told him there was NO WAY I was going to find that uniform and bring it to him. He's the one that forgot it in the first place, he's the one that didn't know exactly where it was, he's the one that crammed everybody's clothes together WITH DIRTY ONES!!!! Yes of course, here it came - "But MOM! I have a game. The other guys are counting on me. If I don't go they'll have to forfeit." - Yes, it all became Mom's fault. Needless to say we had many tears and lots of frustration on both side. In the end he had to come home and clean up all clothes, starting with rewashing all of his brothers' clothes and then his own. Then fold and put everything away correctly. By the way, the uniform was in the dirty clothes basket in the laundry room.
Okay Mom, you can stop laughing now. - I now want to deeply apologize to my mom for all the times that I did these similar things. I told my son that I owed NaNa an apology, 22 years too late, especially for when I was a senior and she took my car away for not having my room clean. She tried to explain that it was her job as a mom to make sure that I was prepared to leave home, obviously I wasn't. Now I completely understand since my son is only 2 years from leaving home. I gave him the same speech and took his truck away for the week. So Mom - here's to you, you are greatly loved and appreciated. It may take 22 years to understand a lesson but it is eventually learned. Thanks for all you have and continue to do!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Today I felt yucky. I'm not sure whether it's allergies or illness. Jacob had a sore throat too.
This seemed like a day that lasted forever! After school I was very tired. I put my head down on my desk (after hours) and I ended up napping for about half an hour.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Feeling much better today. I took allergy meds and that seems to be helping. I had a parent conference for Isaiah at 7:15 a.m. His teachers said he's doing a great job. I am very proud of his progress this year.
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