Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tuesday, 4/15/08 TAX DAY - thankfully mine are already completed and sent.

This is also the LC3 Wax Museum. This is our parent open house where the students present their work that has been ongoing since January. Each student had to choose a historical figure and then research the person. They also created ABC books about the person's life. They wrote research papers, memorized a speech about the person's life and presented it as if they were that person. The costumes were amazing. The children's speeches were amazing. At the end of the school day I set up 101 trifolds for the presentations. The Wax Museum was from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

I was running late but had to run over to College Park High School for a summer school teacher meeting from 4:30-6p.m. Then back to my school for the Wax Musuem.

By the time the Wax Museum was about to start I became very achy and uncomfortable. I didn't know if I was going to be able to make it through. However, once everything started and all the children were there along with all the families - show time began and the adrenaline (sp?) kicked in so I was fine. I went straight to bed when I got home about 8:30 p.m.

While in bed I noticed Dustin was packing a bag. I asked him if he was going somewhere. He reminded me that it was the Pastors and Wives retreat (that I couldn't go to because I was already docked too many days pay from when I had surgry (I seem to be having trouble spelling. There's no spell check on this thing!). He was leaving early the next morning and they would spend Wednesday night, Thursday night, and come back Friday afternoon from Galveston, Moody Gardens. When they came back they (Children's ministry pastors) had FLUX - 5th/6th grade ministry fun night from 6-9p.m.

Wednesday, 4/16/08

Dustin was off to work/the retreat this morning. He took Jacob to school as usual. My phone alarm went off as I was getting ready. At 6:55 a.m. I realized that I had an ARD meeting for Jacob at his school at 7:30a.m. YIKES!!! I had to run wake Caleb up and ask him to please get ready quickly and take Isaiah to school in The Woodlands and then drive back to his school in Magnolia. I'm so thankful that Caleb can drive now! I then ran out the door. I got to the school just on time. WHOOO. The meeting was great. The purpose was to plan for Jacob's 8th grade year. He will be leaving resource math and language arts and will be in all levels classes. The teachers at the meeting said many nice things about Jacob. They all said he was very respectful, hard-working, and made good choices in friends. It did my heart good to hear these words. I made sure to go home and tell him how proud I am of him.

The wonderful room moms provided lunch for our team today. It was great. They are so kind to provide lunch for us once a month.

I had a meeting after school until 5:15p.m. Then I stayed and cleaned and rearranged and organized my classroom until 7p.m. - We'll be having a talk in class tomorrow about taking care of our surroundings! GGRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 4/17/08

Other than giving my "Let's Take Care of Things" speech and giving a test - I can't remember anything about this day. Oh, now I do remember that Isaiah arrived at my school, after riding the bus from his school, very concerned about a little girl on his bus. He said a first grade little girl was crying and told them that her dad punched her brother in the face and made him bleed. Her parents are not together - she lives with mom, brother lives with dad. We don't know how old her brother is or when this happened. This is all Isaiah could think or talk about all night.

Friday, 4/18/08

It's FRIDAY - Even though I've been extremely busy, this week has lasted forever. I think it's because I miss Dustin.

The wonderful room moms strike again. These sweet ladies surprised me by bringing food to take home to my family for dinner. We had ribs, beans, potato salad, and lemon bars. It was amazing.

Caleb had to work tonight at FLUX - Dustin returned but it is working at FLUX. I took Jacob to bball practice and then went to fill up my van with gas. OH MY GOODNESS $3.35 for the cheapest gas around. It was $75 to fill my van up.

Saturday, 4/19/08

YES! Dustin is home! We got up and went for a walk this morning. Then we took Jacob to his basketball game. I'm so proud of how hard Jacob is working in basketball. He's doing a great job. His team won. Jacob wasn't very happy after the game. He was in pain because he had taken a charge and flew back bouncing off the ground. His head bounced off the court too. We had lunch at Schlotsky's. It was such a beautiful day that we ate at a table outside.

Dustin and the boys went to church. I went out and worked at pulling weeds out of my flower beds. I'm very tired now.

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