Saturday, August 16, 2008

A trip to D/FW

The last week in July we went up to the D/FW area for a nationals basketball tournament for Caleb. His team played from Thursday - Saturday. The team was knocked out early but we had a very enjoyable time getting to stay with my parents. It was such a blessing not having to stay in a hotel.

We had fun site-seeing in Grapevine, TX. We went to the old train depot, visited Nash farm, and the 9/11 Memorial dedicated to the flight crews that were lost in the tragedy. My understanding is that it is currenlty the only memorial to the flight crews that were lost in our country.
We also visited the Veterans' cemetary in Dallas. It was a very impressive site. I can only imagine what Arlington National Cemetary must be like.

Thank you Mom and Dad (a.k.a. - NaNa & Poppy) for being such wonderful, gracious hosts and for showing us such a great time. We love you!!

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